Sarah Jawaid wants to be a part of creating a world where storytelling and racial healing and transformation are pathways to freedom, by both releasing ancestral trauma and harnessing generational joy while building a world where we are in pursuit of elevating our highest spiritual selves. For over a decade, Sarah has worked in various non-profits that passed policies to make the lives of low-income individuals better. She brings the technical experience of moving systemic change with the understanding that the most powerful revolution is internal. Sarah is an organizer, leadership coach, and coach trainer.
She recently launched Coaching for Healing, Justice and Liberation incubated by the Rockwood Leadership Institute with co-founder Damon Azali-Rojas. Sarah created the Muslim Power Building Project, a national collaborative project teaching Muslims community organizing skills. To date, the program has trained nearly 60 national leaders. Sarah’s prior work includes interfaith community organizing, policy wins on the passage of Ban the Box, a city-wide policy removing the felony box on job application to prevent employer discrimination as well as Prop 47, a CA statewide ballot initiative that turned six non-violent felonies into misdemeanors, giving folks that have paid their time a chance at a better life. Sarah lives with her partner and toddler in Los Angeles.