Lakota Harden, (Minnecoujou/Yankton Lakota and HoChunk) is a highly respected organizer, community leader, and elder who has been part of Native American struggles for the past four decades. She first became an accomplished speaker as a youth and representative of the early American Indian Movement’s “We Will Remember” Survival School on the Pine Ridge reservation. As an activist she has worked with the International Indian Treaty Council, Women of All Red Nations (WARN), Idle No More, Indigenous Women’s Network, Lakota Traditional Birthing Project, and is featured in the Warrior Woman film. . Lakota is also a co-founder of the Herring Rock Water Protectors, an environmental group, under the guidance of the Sitka tribe in Alaska.
As a nationwide trainer nationwide for youth and adults, she has worked across lines of gender, race, and age to stop violence. She has led workshops on unlearning racism, sexism and other social oppressions. Lakota also leads “Decolonization” workshops for Indigenous peoples, addressing the impact of genocidal policies on individuals, families, and communities.
Lakota’s practices focus on the healing of intergenerational historical trauma. She feels that in healing work, it is important to look at the spiritual, mental, as well as physical and emotional complexities of individuals. Currently Lakota works in Health Promotions. Related Links: Remembering Original Ways of Survival